Here's some of the birds I was able to photograph while down there.
This red-shouldered hawk hung around pretty much every day. It just caught something in the neighbor's yard when I snapped this photo.

I was able to add two new lifer doves in her yard. I'd never seen a Common Ground-dove or a White-winged Dove. It should be obvious which one is which.

This next one isn't a lifer...yet. Ah taxonomy. This is Palm Warbler. We have them here in Minnesota but the Palm Warblers I see at work are usually Western Palm Warblers. This is an Eastern Palm Warbler also called a Yellow Palm Warbler. The two are distinct sub-species though they may be split apart into separate species some day. Time will tell on that. They do look different.

Since the cabin was on a stream there were lots of water birds such as Limpkin, Wood Stork, and White Ibis. There was also a Great Blue Heron. I see them often at home but I liked how this photo turned out blurry and looks like an impressionistic painting.

Here's one of the White Ibis that was there most days.

In a non-descript city lake by the side of the highway and across from the McDonalds we stopped at to pirate WiFi, I spotted three new lifers. First up, I stopped to take photos of this Anhinga.

By the last day I was at 18 lifers for the trip. I was pretty happy about that since my goal was 20 lifers and this was a family vacation not a birding trip. We decided to drive the two and a half hours to the closest beach and I'm glad we did. Not only was it a beautiful day I saw a handful of new birds.
First up were these Laughing Gulls. I took this photo from the boardwalk as I could see a parent about to unleash their kids onto the beach and the kids predictably ran straight for the birds and scared them away. They never did come back so I only got two photos.

The Sanderlings were another lifer and they are just about the cutest little birds ever.

I'd been hoping to see some brown pelicans.

Another bird scared off by some of the kids on the beach were the Royal Terns. They were also a lifer. They seemed willing to come hang out once in a while.

My last lifer on the beach and my last for the trip were these Northern Gannets diving for fish far off the coast. I was gal I had by long lens or I never could have captured even this small of a photo. They were pretty far away.

I ended the trip with 21 new birds on my life list and 56 birds total for the trip. There's still plenty more to see down there so I guess I'll have to go back .
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